Centre national IMT : Réseaux et systèmes pour la transformation numérique



    Nos activités…


    Un membre du Centre est un acteur engagé dans la recherche et l’innovation, visant à accroître l’impact et la visibilité de ses activités en synergie avec celle de ses collègues .

    Elle ou il contribue à la valorisation des recherches, à la participation à des projets européens, et au renforcement des liens entre l’enseignement, la recherche et l’industrie.

    Le Centre opère de manière collégiale et horizontale, encourageant chaque membre à proposer et piloter de nouvelles activités tout en recevant des informations sur les événements et en faisant des recommandations sur son fonctionnement.

    Charbel Abdel Nour
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Abdeldjalil Aissa El Bey
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Rabea Ameur-boulifa
    Associate Professor at Télécom Paris and a member of the LabSoc research team
    Karine Amis
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Luiz Anet Neto
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Andrea Araldo
    Associate Professor at Institut Polytechnique de Paris - Telecom SudParis
    Google ScholarSite web
    Matthieu Arzel
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Tulin Atmaca
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
    François Baccelli
    Research Director at INRIA
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    Xavier Begaud
    Professor at Télécom Paris and a member of the RFM² team
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    Nicolas Bellec
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Olivier Boissier
    Professor at Mines Saint Etienne
    Nadia Boukhatem
    Professor at Télécom Paris
    David Bounie
    Professor at Télécom Paris-Head of the Department of Economics and Social Sciences
    Marc Bourreau
    Professor at Télécom Paris
    Thomas Bouteraon
    professor at IMT Atlantique
    Yann Busnel
    Senior Vice-President for Research at the Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT)
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    Hind Castel
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
    Ana Cavalli
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Grazia Cecere
    Professor at IMT Bussiness School
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    Sophie Chabridon
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Tidjani Chahed
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Luan Chen
    Professor at ENSEA
    Laurent Clavier
    Professor at IMT Nord Europe
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    Marceau Coupechoux
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Noël Crespi
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Hervé Debar
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Laurent Decreusefond
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    David Delafosse
    Professor at Mines Saint Etienne
    Marc Delage
    Head of European & International R&D Affairs
    Catherine Douillard
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Guillaume Doyen
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Elsa Dupraz
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Hajar El Hassani
    Professor at ENSEA
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    Inbar Fijalkow
    Professor at ENSEA
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    Walid Gaaloul
    Professor at Telecon SudParis
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    Joaquim Garcia-Alfaro
    Professor at Telecon SudParis
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    David Gesbert
    Professor at EURECOM
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    Frédéric Guilloud
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Sébastien Houcke
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Philippe Jaillon
    Professor at Mines Saint Etienne
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    Badii Jouaber
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Rida Khatoun
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Raymond Knopp
    Professor at EURECOM
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    Daniel Kofman
    Professor at Telecom Paris
    Adlen Ksentini
    Professor at EURECOM
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    Xavier Lagrange
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Charlotte Langlais
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Christophe Laot
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Maryline Laurent
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
    Frédéric Lehmann
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
    Claire Levallois-Barth
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Léonardo Linguaglossa
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Guillaume Lozenguez
    Professor at IMT Nord Europe
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    Arthur Louchart
    Professor at IMT Nord Europe
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    Romaric Ludinard
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Laura Luzzi
    Professor at ENSEA
    Alessandro Maddaloni
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Patrick Maille
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Philippe Martins
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Abdelwaheb Marzouki
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Ahmed Meddahi
    Professor at IMT Nord Europe
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    Yahia Medjahdi
    Professor at IMT Nord Europe
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    Gérard Memmi
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Ivan Meseguer
    EU Affairs - EU Projects Director
    Roberto Minerva
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
    Mounir Mokhtari
    Researcher at Institut Mines-Télécom, involved in the City4Ageje project
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    Michel Morvan
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Jose Neto
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Van-Tam Nguyen
    Professor at Telecom Paris
    Alexander Pelov
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Christian Person
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Naly Rakoto
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Ghaya Rekaya
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Jean-Louis Rougier
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Pauline Rousseau
    European and International project officer
    Antonio Russo
    Professor at IMT Bussiness School
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    Françoise Sailhan
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Nel Samana
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Ana Sanchez
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
    Samir Saoudi
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Mireille Sarkiss
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Anne Savard
    Professor at IMT Nord Europe
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    François-Xavier Socheleau
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Patrick Sondi
    Professor at Professor at IMT Nord Europe
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    Laurent Toutain
    Professor at IMT Atlantique
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    Sandrine Vaton
    Professor at IMT Atlantqiue
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    Anaïs Vergne
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Shanshan Wang
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Joe Wiart
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Michèle Wigger
    Professor at Telecom Paris
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    Ka Yim
    Scientific coordinator at IMT
    Djamal Zeghlache
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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    Daqing Zhang
    Professor at Telecom SudParis
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