Institut Mines-Télécom launches its National Center: Networks and Systems for Digital Transformation

To increase the impact of its activities in the field of digital sovereignty, IMT launches its National Center: Networks and Systems for Digital Transformation
- A Center to articulate ITM’s activities in the field of future communications networks and distributed systems for digital transformation;
- A multi-school, multi-discipline, multi-partner Center with strong synergies with the industrial world;
- A Center to structure a sovereign ecosystem aligning research, training, innovation and business support.
The Centre national Réseaux et systèmes pour la transformation numérique organizes and coordinates the activities of the Institut Mines-Télécom’s schools in this field, while bringing together academic and industrial partners. By taking into account the needs of industry at a very early stage, it offers a portfolio of services and activities in training, research, innovation and transfer. Various major sectors of activity (transport, energy, health, etc.) will be closely involved in the Centre’s work to identify open problems and solution vectors to be studied. The Centre is involved in national and European public policies, and plays a key role in standardization. It contributes to the major programs co-piloted by the Institut Mines-Télécom as part of its overall strategy.
A comprehensive, integrated offering
The National Center is an original structure without walls, flexible and reactive, which will intervene in the different links of the value chain thanks to the dynamics of the different scientific communities involved and distributed throughout the ITM schools. The center will contribute to cutting-edge research, in particular through its international-standard testing and innovation platforms. It will also contribute to standardization work, and its advances will be reflected in the range of initial and continuing training courses offered by the Institut Mines-Télécom schools.